How to pluralize words with a GSP tag

Let’s say you need to output the number of results for a query. For example:

	2 results found for your query.

Your GSP looks probably something like that:

// ...
	${count} results found for your query.
// ...

All is good until there is only one result:

	1 results found for your query.

Oops, that looks bad 🙂

Here is one way to fix it:

// ...
	${count} <%= count > 1 ? "results" : "result" %> found for your query.
// ...

Wouldn’t it be nice it we could embed this behavior in some view helper function that we could reuse?

In Grails, you can do that with a custom GSP tag.

So let’s code our custom pluralize tag using TDD.

Here is a first test:

// file: test/unit/pluralize/ViewHelperTagLibSpec.groovy
package pluralize

import grails.test.mixin.TestFor
import spock.lang.Specification
import spock.lang.Unroll

class ViewHelperTagLibSpec extends Specification {

	def "Should pluralize by adding 's' to the singular form"() {
		    def template = '<my:pluralize count="${count}" singular="${singular}" />'
		    renderedContent == applyTemplate(template, [count:count, singular:singular])
			renderedContent || count | singular
			'1 result'      || 1     | 'result'
			'2 results'     || 2     | 'result'

If you run this test with the command grails test-app unit:spock ViewHelperTagLib, you should get an error since there is no ViewHelperTagLib. So let’s create it:

// file: grails-app/taglib/pluralize/ViewHelperTagLib.groovy
package pluralize

class ViewHelperTagLib {
    static namespace = "my"

    def pluralize = { attrs, body ->
        out << body()

If you run the test again, you should see no more compilation errors but the tests are still failing.

Now, let’s code the pluralize behaviour:

// file: grails-app/taglib/pluralize/ViewHelperTagLib.groovy
package pluralize

class ViewHelperTagLib {
    static namespace = "my"

    def pluralize = { attrs, body ->
        out << attrs['count'] + " " + ( attrs['count'] > 1 ? attrs['singular'] + "s" : attrs['singular'] )

This time, the tests pass and you can use the tag like this:

// ...
	<my:pluralize count="${count}" singular="result" /> found for your query.
// ...

Unfortunately not all noun gets pluralized with ‘s’. For example:

	1 person, 2 people
	1 tooth, 2 teeth
	1 mouse, 2 mice

Let’s add a second test to describe this behavior:

// file: test/unit/pluralize/ViewHelperTagLibSpec.groovy


	def "Should appropriately pluralize exceptions"() {
		    def template = '<my:pluralize count="${count}" singular="${singular}" plural="${plural}" />'
		    renderedContent == applyTemplate(template, [count:count, singular:singular, plural:plural])
			renderedContent || count | singular | plural
			'1 person'      || 1     | 'person' | 'people'
			'2 people'      || 2     | 'person' | 'people'

And here is our updated custom tag:

// file: grails-app/taglib/pluralize/ViewHelperTagLib.groovy
package pluralize

class ViewHelperTagLib {
    static namespace = "my"

    def pluralize = { attrs, body ->
        def plural = attrs['plural'] ?: attrs['singular'] + "s"
        out << attrs['count'] + " " + ( attrs['count'] > 1 ? plural : attrs['singular'] )

Back to our GSP view:

// ...
	<my:pluralize count="${count}" singular="person" plural="people" /> found for your query.
// ...

And the HTML output:

	1 person found for your query.
	2 people found for your query.

That's it for today.

Refactoring with TDD

As everybody knows, good software engineering recommends to respect separation of concerns. For example, controller’s main responsibilities are to process incoming HTTP requests, to invoke some business logic and to dispatch the response.

You can see that the following controller doesn’t respect this recommendation since the searching logic is implemented directly into the controller method.

package todo
class TaskController {
    static scaffold = true
    def list() {
        params.max = Math.min(params.max ?'max') : 5, 100)
        def taskList = Task.createCriteria().list (params) {
            if ( params.query ) {
                ilike("description", "%${params.query}%")
        [taskInstanceList: taskList, taskInstanceTotal: taskList.totalCount]

Obviously, it’s a very simple example and most people would say that it’s not a big deal but let me show you how to refactor this code to respect separation of concerns.

The most common places to implement business logic in Grails are services and domain classes. In our case, a service would be unnecessary at this point so let’s move business logic to the Task domain class.

This time, I’ll use Test Driven Development so I’m writing the test first:

// file: test/unit/todo/TaskSpec.groovy
package todo

import grails.test.mixin.TestFor

import spock.lang.Specification
import spock.lang.Unroll

class TaskSpec extends Specification {

	def "search() should return #count results for query '#query'"() {
                new Task(description: "Buy bread"),
                new Task(description: "Buy milk"),
            count ==
    	    count   | query
    	    2       | null
    	    2       | "Buy"
    	    1       | "Bread"
    	    0       | "iPod"


This is a Spock unit test:

  • it first creates and saves 2 tasks.
  • it then passes a query string to the Task domain class
  • it then asserts the number of matching results for various queries

If you run this test with the command grails test-app unit:spock TaskSpec, you should see the following:

| Running 1 spock test... 1 of 1
| Failure:  search() should return '2' results for query 'null'(todo.TaskSpec)
|  groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: is applicable for argument types: (null) values: [null]
[some output omitted]
| Completed 1 spock test, 4 failed in 362ms
| Tests FAILED  - view reports in target/test-reports

All 4 test cases fail as Grails complains that it can’t find any search method in the Task class. Let’s create one with a named query:

package todo

class Task {

    String description

    static namedQueries = {
        search { query ->


Here is what Grails outputs if we run the same command again:

| Running 1 spock test... 3 of 1
| Failure:  search() should return '1' results for query 'Bread'(todo.TaskSpec)
|  Condition not satisfied:

count ==
|     |       |      |      |
1     false   |      Bread  2

	at should return '#count' results for query '#query'(TaskSpec.groovy:19)
| Running 1 spock test... 4 of 1
| Failure:  search() should return '0' results for query 'iPod'(todo.TaskSpec)
|  Condition not satisfied:

count ==
|     |       |      |      |
0     false   |      iPod   2

	at should return '#count' results for query '#query'(TaskSpec.groovy:19)
| Completed 1 spock test, 2 failed in 762ms
| Tests FAILED  - view reports in target/test-reports

OK, no more groovy.lang.MissingMethodException but some test cases still fail. So let’s implement the search named query. All we have to do is to move the business logic from the controller method to the domain class:

package todo

class Task {

    String description

    static namedQueries = {
        search { query ->
            if ( query ) {
                ilike("description", "%${query}%")


And now, all test cases pass:

| Completed 1 spock test, 0 failed in 329ms
| Tests PASSED - view reports in target/test-reports

Since we moved the search logic to the domain class, we can now remove it from the controller:

package todo
class TaskController {
    static scaffold = true
    def list() {
        params.max = Math.min(params.max ?'max') : 5, 100)
        def taskList =
        [taskInstanceList: taskList, taskInstanceTotal: taskList.totalCount]

We successfully refactored our controller method to move business logic where it belongs.

Test Grails application with Spock

Because repeated manual testing is long, tedious and error-prone, you should use automated tests to ensure that your application does what it is supposed to do and keeps doing what it did in the past (non-regression).

Grails comes with jUnit bundled in but I’ve enjoyed using Spock instead lately. Spock is great testing framework that lets you write DRY elegant automated tests.

Good news, there is a Grails Spock plugin. Add it to your Grails application with the following line in your BuildConfig file:

plugins {
		test ":spock:0.6"

In the previous post, we’ve seen how to add a simple search form to a basic scaffolded controller. Let’s write some automated tests for our searching feature.

Here is our TaskController:

package todo

class TaskController {

    static scaffold = true

    def list() {
        params.max = Math.min(params.max ?'max') : 5, 100)

        def taskList = Task.createCriteria().list (params) {
            if ( params.query ) {
                ilike("description", "%${params.query}%")

        [taskInstanceList: taskList, taskInstanceTotal: taskList.totalCount]


Let’s write a unit test for the list method of this controller:

// file: [application]/test/unit/todo/TaskControllerSpec.groovy
package todo

import grails.test.mixin.TestFor
import grails.test.mixin.Mock
import spock.lang.Specification

class TaskControllerSpec extends Specification {

    void "list() should return no results with no records in DB"() {
            def model = controller.list()
            model.taskInstanceList.size() == 0
            model.taskInstanceTotal == 0


It’s a simple test, mostly to make sure that everything is wired correctly. Run it with the command grails test-app unit:spock and you should see:

| Completed 1 spock test, 0 failed in 4393ms
| Tests PASSED - view reports in target/test-reports

Since we declared this test as a unit test, we need to mock our Task domain class with the @Mock(Task). This annotation injects the necessary GORM features for our test to run.

We should now test for various combination of data and search queries. One of the nice features of Spock is the possibility to test several hypothesis and results in the same test method with the @Unroll annotation (don’t forget to import it in your test file: import spock.lang.Unroll).

    void "list() should return '#size' item(s) of '#total' total results with query '#search_query'"() {
            (1..20).each { i -> new Task(description: "Task #${i}").save() }
            params.query = search_query
            def model = controller.list()
            model.taskInstanceList.size() == size
            model.taskInstanceTotal == total
            search_query    | size  | total
            null            | 5     | 20
            ""              | 5     | 20
            "no task"       | 0     | 0
            "17"            | 1     | 1
            "Task #1"       | 5     | 11
            "Task"          | 5     | 20

Thanks to the expressive DSL of Spock, this test reads pretty well even if you are not familiar with the framework: given a list of 200 tasks in the database and a search query, the method list of the controller should return the right number of paginated matches out of the total of results.

With the Unroll annotation, this tests will actually acts as 6 separate Spock tests. Each one running with a different set of hypothesis and results, as described in the where: clause.

Finally, let’s test that our method never return more than the 100 results as specified by the first line of the controller method:

    void "list() should never return more than 100 results"() {
            params.max = 150
            (1..200).each { i -> new Task(description: "Task #${i}").save() }
            def model = controller.list()
            model.taskInstanceList.size() == 100
            model.taskInstanceTotal == 200

Note how Groovy lets us create and save 200 Task instances with a single line of code.

Here if our final Spock test file:

package todo

import grails.test.mixin.TestFor
import grails.test.mixin.Mock

import spock.lang.Specification
import spock.lang.Unroll

class TaskControllerSpec extends Specification {

    void "list() should return no results with an empty database"() {
            def model = controller.list()
            model.taskInstanceList.size() == 0
            model.taskInstanceTotal == 0

    void "list() should return '#size' item(s) of '#total' total results with query '#search_query'"() {
            (1..20).each { i -> new Task(description: "Task #${i}").save() }
            params.query = search_query
            def model = controller.list()
            model.taskInstanceList.size() == size
            model.taskInstanceTotal == total
            search_query    | size  | total
            null            | 5     | 20
            ""              | 5     | 20
            "no task"       | 0     | 0
            "17"            | 1     | 1
            "Task #1"       | 5     | 11
            "Task"          | 5     | 20

    void "list() should never return more than 100 results"() {
            params.max = 150
            (1..200).each { i -> new Task(description: "Task #${i}").save() }
            def model = controller.list()
            model.taskInstanceList.size() == 100
            model.taskInstanceTotal == 200


You can run all the tests with the command grails test-app unit:spock.

How to add a simple search form

Grails comes with a great scaffolding feature that let you build CRUD functionalities for your domain classes. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to add basic searching capability to a scaffolded controller.

First, let’s build a simple Todo application:

grails create-app todo
cd todo
grails create-domain-class Task
grails create-controller Task

Now, let’s add an attribute to our Task class:

package todo

class Task {

    String description


Then, enable dynamic scaffolding with the scaffold property:

package todo

class TaskController {

    static scaffold = true


That’s all it takes for Grails to build an application that let you list, show, edit or delete tasks.

Let’s test it by running the application:

grails run-app

To access your application, open http://localhost:8080/todo/task in a browser.

Here is what you see after entering a couple of tasks:

Scaffolded Todo application

Since we want to add searching capability to our application, we need to add a search form on our list page. First, we need to generate the current scaffolded views for our Task class with the following command:

grails generate-views todo.Task

This will create a task folder under grails-app/views and fill it with the scaffolding views. You can now open the list.gsp in order to customize the list view.

Let’s add a search form after the flash message:

// more code</pre>
<g:if test="${flash.message}">
<div class="message" role="status">${flash.message}</div>
<fieldset class="form">
	<g:form action="list" method="GET">
		<div class="fieldcontain">
			<label for="query">Search for tasks:</label>
			<g:textField name="query" value="${params.query}"/>
// more code

We added an HTML form with an input text field named query. When the user enter something in this field and hit the enter key, the form submit a GET request to the list action of the TaskController.

But if you re-run the application and try to enter a search term, the application still lists all the tasks. It’s normal since we haven’t changed the behavior of the TaskController yet.

In order to customize the TaskController, we also need to generate a static scaffolded controller. So let’s do that with the following command:

grails generate-controller todo.Task

Grails will ask you to confirm if you want to override the current controller. Answer yes.

Now open the TaskController and delete everything except for the list method (and don’t forget to re-add the scaffold property):

package todo

class TaskController {

    static scaffold = true

    def list() {
        params.max = Math.min(params.max ?'max') : 10, 100)
        [taskInstanceList: Task.list(params), taskInstanceTotal: Task.count()]


Instead of returning all the tasks, let’s create an Hibernate criteria that looks for tasks that match the query string in the task description:

package todo

class TaskController {

    static scaffold = true

    def list() {
        params.max = Math.min(params.max ?'max') : 5, 100)

        def taskList = Task.createCriteria().list (params) {
            if ( params.query ) {
                ilike("description", "%${params.query}%")

        [taskInstanceList: taskList, taskInstanceTotal: taskList.totalCount]


If no query string is submitted, this code create an empty Hibernate criteria, which defaults back to the initial Task.list(params). Otherwise, it builds a criteria that looks for tasks with a description matching the query string (ilike is a case insensitive equivalent to a SQL like expression).

Note that passing the params map to the list method of the criteria enables pagination.

Now, re-run your application and try to enter a query string. It works!

Scaffolded application with search form

That’s how easy it is to add basic searching capability to a scaffolded application. 🙂